In my previous
post, I briefly went into the lobbying expenditures of Lockheed
Martin—currently the largest US Federal Government contractor—and also
highlighted a couple of blatant ethical transgressions. I wanted to follow it
up by answering a question that many people might have: What is lobbying?

There are two answers. The short, simple answer of what
lobbying is supposed to be and the much longer, much more complicated reality of what lobbying actually can be and
predominately is.
Before we get in too far, let me first clarify that I’m not reflexively
opposed to lobbying per se. The concept of having direct communication between
constituents and their government is an important and essential piece of representative
democratic infrastructure. It was, in fact, considered so important a function
to the nation’s founders that it was protected in the very first amendment of
the Constitution: "Congress shall
make no law … abridging … the right of the people peaceably … to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances."
In its simplest incarnation lobbying works like this (please
forgive me if this comes across as patronizing, my intent is to provide a comparison,
so just bear with me): Under the protection of the First Amendment, citizens in
Congressional District ABC might
discover that they have a collective problem with issue XYZ. They decide that they should get together and petition their
representative to have issue XYZ
resolved legislatively. They do so.
After hearing the collective’s concerns, the representative makes the decision
on whether issue XYZ truly affects
the majority of his constituency and attempt to legislate accordingly.
Why does this work as a system? In theory, a representative
must rely on the majority of his constituents to vote for him to remain in
office and would therefore be directly accountable to them. If he doesn’t do
what the majority of his constituents desire of him he runs the risk of being
voted out in favor of someone who will. Simultaneously, the representative has
to develop working relationships with his colleagues in order to be an
effective legislator and achieve the goals of his constituency so necessary to
stay in office. Thus, a congenial congress would necessarily emerge and
ultimately a legislative equilibrium which would generally benefit the nation
as a whole.
It should be apparent, particularly after examining the last
three decades in Washington
that this ideal scenario has not played out.
To be fair, the authors of the Constitution weren’t naïve to the potential corruption of the lobbying system—James Madison famously weighed the implications of “faction” throughout his Federalist #10 essay— and certainly anticipated there to be questionable practices in small proportion as well as the possible rise of powerful professional lobby agents, like the 19th century “King of the Lobby”, Samuel Ward. What they couldn’t have reasonably anticipated though, and what has frequently debased the good intentions of the lobbying system, was the powerful rise of the modern corporation over the course of the late 19th and 20th centuries and the increased importance of campaign finance in the modern political landscape. Both of these factors have converged to give us the lobbying system and its rampant, systemic corruption.
(I’m going to avoid getting derailed here on the history and
details of these two factors. Suffice to say, they deserve and will soon get much
more than a simple paragraph synopsis from me.)
Having quickly covered the short, simple answer to what
lobbying is, let’s take a look at one real world example of what lobbying
actually is via Lockheed Martin.
The first complication in defining lobbying is that, in
reality, lobbying is actually an amalgamation of tools and tactics that various
parties use to solicit influence. For instance, the amount of money that
Lockheed Martin officially spent on lobbying last year (2012) was $15,347,350.
What this number actually represents is the reported amount of money that
Lockheed officially paid to lobbying firms like Podesta
Group or Venable
LLP or Carliner
Strategies to lobby on their behalf—that is, to show up on Capitol Hill and
arrange for time to speak with politicians on a variety of key issues with the
hopes of influencing them to legislate in a particular direction. These
conversations often occur in all sorts of ideal,
settings. Still, this doesn’t paint close to the entire picture.
In addition to spending $15 million plus on official lobbying,
Lockheed Martin is also responsible for a total of $4,034,489
in campaign contributions for the 2012 election cycle. $1,143,092 of this went to Political Action
Committees, Parties and various other outside spending groups, while $2,891,397
went directly to candidates like Kay
Granger (R-TX) whose district just so happens to contain a
number of Lockheed locations and has, for reasons that should be apparent
to anyone after viewing her political donation disclosure, helped the company
out in numerous ways including pressing
Taiwan to purchase Lockheed F-16’s that they didn’t want.
For politicians like Granger, making sure Lockheed is happy
is an easy win/win calculation. After all, legislating favorably for Lockheed
means they stand to not only gain the hefty political donations that are so
necessary for reelection but also, during their next campaign, they can point
to all the jobs that they have created or saved via the Lockheed projects they
supported on Capitol Hill. No politician wants to be perceived as a job killer.
The problem is that what amounts to a win/win for
politicians and congressional districts intertwined with Lockheed Martin, in
many cases, ultimately amounts to a net loss for the rest of the country and
the American taxpayer. I discussed the C-130 scenario in my last post, in which
Lockheed, via direct lobbying of Congress in the late 1970’s, had managed to
pull down a contract for 256 of the airplanes when
the Department of Defense had only wanted five—many of which sat idle on
tarmacs and in hangars afterward. Now, I’ll turn quickly to a modern program
with similar results: the infamous F-35
Joint Strike Fighter.

The F-35 is the
most expensive military weapons program in US history. In accordance with
standard practice, Lockheed has strategically stretched the influential jobs
programs (and the corresponding congressional influence) for the project out
across the country, covering over 47 states as well as
Puerto Rico. The fighter jet
program, which was initially quoted at $226 billion for around 2,900 planes and
an operational start date estimated at 2012 has now ballooned
into a cost of $400 billion for 2,400 planes, an additional $1 Trillion in
maintenance and repairs over the programs lifetime and an operational start
date now estimated at 2017. The increased cost had also made the Pentagon
under Robert Gates consider terminating
portions of the project. Lockheed consultant’s immediately
rejected the cuts as unreasonable. When cuts to the program were formally
submitted by House Representative Todd Akin, Lockheed lobbyist
marched on the House Armed Services Committee. Unsurprisingly, the suggested
cuts never
came. Sound familiar? It should.
It’s happened with numerous programs like the C-130, the
F-35, and recently, in another example, when the Pentagon wanted to end General
Dynamics’ M1-Abrams battle tank program, largely considered to be a cold war
relic without much use in today’s defense (a program which already had more
tanks sitting idle than actually deployed), they found their efforts thwarted “…after a well-organized campaign of lobbying and
political donations involving the lawmakers on four key committees that…decide
the tanks’ fate…”.
It’s fairly standard play in the US armaments industry. The Pentagon
wants to cut or drastically reduce an outdated or ineffectual weapons program
that nets your company a significant sum, so you do an end-around the
Department of Defense, toss some money to key congressional members, scare them
about job cuts, pay some lobbyist to talk to the other representatives and voila, the program isn’t ended or cut
and in some cases—like the C-130— might even be expanded. Your company and its
shareholders win, the American military and taxpayers lose. This is what lobbying can be.
In his farewell
address of 1961, President Eisenhower offered up a prescient warning on the
potential corruption in maintaining a war-ready private armaments industry:
conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is
new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even
spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal
government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must
not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and
livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the
councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted
influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The
potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
It’s a shame the American public didn’t listen then.